The Young Arab Media Leaders Program was one of the most significant milestones in my life. It deepened my understanding of new digital media trends and made me eager to learn more through the invaluable advice we received from all the outstanding lecturers and trainers. We learned about and were introduced to new media tools that saved us a lot of time in research and creating professional media content.
When I think of the Arab Youth Center, I remember the amount of faith and positivity they instilled in us the moment we arrived and every time we engaged in something. I am always impressed by their efforts to empower youth towards this professional approach. It's impossible for an Arab youth to enter the center's environment and not aspire to creativity and leaving a positive mark on their society and the world. This place deserves to exist in every country in the world to thrive. Thank you to the center and to those in charge of it; you have ignited the youth's potential.